Perfection is Reality. The appearance of anything, something else is merely an issue of perception. Another way to say this is that the experience of any kind of 'problem' is just reflective of a limited level of awareness bound by assumptions/beliefs.
At Exploring Consciousness Co our mission is to correct perception resulting in pristine interpretation for Absolute Fulfilment in Life. As it stands, faulty interpretation, ie ignorance as referred to in Vedanta, is behind all suffering. The remedy for which is a correction in perception.
It was Carl Jung who said:
"It is high time we realized that it is pointless to praise the light & preach it if nobody can see it. It is much more needful to teach people the art of seeing."
Learning & teaching & learning & teaching is my mission & entire life's focus. So let's learn & MASTER the art of seeing shall we!
Imperfection is just a self-imposed dream state; ie lack of Awareness.
The Purity of Consciousness (Truth of Being One) is Self Evident; ie the experience of Perfection. You Are Perfect, you just don't see clearly if you think you see something else. This is great news, you CAN easily learn to see 'aright'!
The Truth of Perfection in experience/evidence is available to everyone, it is after all the Truth, Reality, apart from which there is nothing else. The Truth being all encompassing, absolute & without opposites is the guarantee of good, good & more good in restored Awareness.
You are Awareness It Self & misidentification has had you suffering from misperception & stuck trying to navigate your way through that which you are aware of, rather than 'home' in & as Awareness. Awareness in Pure Consciousness is What You Are, not what you have. One is the Law & all hints of twoness (duality) is misperception.
Attempts to discover the Truth have been undertaken for eons with no helpful result. This is because the problem hasn't been clearly identified. The problem is that the reality of the problem is never questioned. Rather problems are assumed to have reality & this is the greatest scourge of humanity.
It is the revelation of the Masters of Enlightenment (aka True Vision - the capacity to see/breathe/live in Reality) that gives us the clue that really needs our attention if Perfection is to be known in experience to the exclusion of all else. The Cause of Life is Identity, there is only One True Cause & in the Cause is also the simultaneous Effect.
If perception is tainted with the assumption of a person (personal reality - ie a person with your name) then it is inherently flawed. There is no law whatsoever that recognises duality. Two things cannot exist in the same one place. The notion of opposites is evidence of flawed perception which is easily remedied through restored True Identity.
In other words, what you believe yourself to be is the hinge upon which experience stems & there is not cause that is outside Consciousness. There is in fact no inside & outside, there is only one Consciousness which is why a lack of Awareness produces its own effect.
A lack of Awareness isn't really a problem now is it? Once I was taught the principles of math, I could do math. I haven't spent my life in the dark about 1 + 1, I've learned that it equals 2. Once you get the principle of math (you have the WHOLE principle) you're away & you get it right every single time because the principle is fool proof! Same with the Principle of Life. True Vision (Christ Vision) is the ONLY Vision in Truth & there is no other vision. False vision is no vision. Perfection is Reality is YOU!
No-one really suffers from a lack of understanding, there are no real consequences for using faulty equations. We just used the right principle to get the right (Perfect) result.
The same is true for the experience of Life in Truth (or Pure Consciousness). The mechanics of Life are Law or Principle & it is in applying the Law of Life that perception is remedied & the apparent lack of Awareness is restored to Full Conscious Awareness in Truth.
The nasty case of ignorance (personal belief - belief in personhood) that is behind all apparent suffering/struggle/lack/limitation is lifted, which naturally reveals the inherent & Absolute Perfection of Life.
God is less like an anthropomorphic character than the Principle of Life; the Law of Life. The Principle of Life is ALL encompassing, nothing is left out, it is ALL inclusive, there are no parts. Being indivisible & inseparable, that which is appears as separate is false appearance, which means it has no Reality & no Reality is NO existence. There is no place for personal in Wholeness.
There is Only One & everything else is simply an issue of Awareness, remedied in the presence of Truth.
The restoration of Truth in Conscious Awareness needn't take long, the straight & narrow is the direct & fast path in non-duality, or Oneness.
The key is to stay focused at the level of Cause/Effect. The Truth is What sets you free, actually has already set you free. Remain at the level of Identity, the Truth of One & you can't go wrong.
If you aren't addressing the cause of a problem you can't resolve it!
We never get taught that Mind is Life, Consciousness is All There Is.
Instead we live 'off' from centre, attributing the cause of problems somewhere they do not exist. In Truth there is not a problem in sight, they are in fact impossible. Their appearance is a trick in mind & not in Reality.
The clue that led me down the straight & narrow was from A Course in Miracles; "What you think you are is a belief to be undone." Question the reality of the problems you merely think you face & discover their erroneous/false cause was the assumption of being something you're not. This is instant liberation! You were never in the impossible situation of person-hood to begin with.
Personal belief, ie belief in personhood, is simply an assumption, an unquestioned idea & thus habituated belief. All sense of a personal self, human hood, is a false sense of Being. There is only One Being & THAT Being is Whole, Perfection & Complete now, yes today. The 'apparent' other self is merely the lack of Awareness we're speaking to here.
The Supreme Reality (Perfection - Perfect Self) is FULLY Realised when you Know Thy Self. The suggestion to Know Thy Self is ancient & remains a path few ever walk. If you're called Higher, the greatest obstacle is misidentification & misperception, the remedy for which is accepting the Truth of Identity & walking in Truth-FULL Divine Being.
Our focus at Exploring Consciousness Co is the restoration of Living Oneness. We focus on advanced students walking the straight & narrow past the final 'obstacles'. If you are at the point where you believe yourself to be a person then the Mastery of Discernment (Knowing the Law of Truth to clear the darkness of illusion) is your primary focus. You can gain access to "A Mind Revolution" with all the resources needed to 'lift the veil' as my guest with the coupon HEALPERCEPTION. Blessed BE!
Here's to your glorious & speedy Self Revelation!
So helpful, the problem must be clearly defined because it only makes sense to address the level of Cause. What I believe myself to be is the only issue at hand. I didn’t have the
Math right because I didn’t understand the principle, now I do I can get on with living it, applying it. What I am was/is never wrong I just lacked awareness of Truth.
It's really hitting home that ignorance is nothing. It's not a problem. It only requires right vision, or right knowledge which is instant & always available. The issue of perception that felt so 'big' is very much nothing at all. A teeny tiny 'blip' at most!
Only the Truth is True and in Truth problems and suffering are impossible. This is where I stand to realise that belief makes real but not True, and when the belief of personhood is seen through then I remove the target and know that any personal suffering does not exist. What is left is an abundance of unconditional, impersonal love, peace, joy and fulfilment that does not depend on anything/anyone else. ❤️